Hello Viewer,
How are you . I also believed your mind pleaser very fine and goods. I appearance to HTML Paragraphs Tag And Pre Tag example. It is very simple work in the HTML. Follow my instruction an step by step you learn for this and others tutorials . Number one point open the your editor and follow the code. Type your editor HTML formal Tag.
Instruction 1:
<p> ------- P tag Meaning Paragraphs Rule write latter.
<pre> ---- Pre tag Meaning Equally Rules Write.
Instruction 2:
Firstly HTML all code step by step write your editor and save check Browser Preview .
Instruction 3:
Then apply the CSS code. CSS meaning Cascading Style Sheet. CSS code used .
CSS code Used.
HTML Paragraphs Tag And Pre Tag Codes.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="keywords" content="basic
html" />
<title>This is Page Title </title>
<style type="text/css">
body{background: violet;}
p{color: green;}
p{font-size: 20px}
pre{color: blue;}
pre{font-size: 20px}
<p>This is a First paragraph Style</p>
<p>This is a Second paragraph Style</p>
This paragraph
contains is Just Test
Practice Season Number 1 .
This paragraph
contains is Just Test
Practice Season Number 2 .
This is a Pre Style
Number 1.
This is a Pre Style
Number 2.
This is a Pre Style
Number 3.
This is a Pre Style
Number 4.
This is a Pre Style
Number 5.
[N.B] This color CSS code Color .
so viewer this is a HTML Paragraphs Tag And Pre Tag . I happy this code apply your work .Fruition of to my Tutorials . Viewer done this tutorials . See you next Tutorials . Take care your Body and Mind pleaser . good By.
[N.B : Stay with the information and knowledge wherever they stay on course with the update.]
Comment Policy : Information, knowledge and technology together to get up towards the tune.